Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How to Start a YouTube Channel - 10 Tips for Getting Started on Youtube - Collab w/ See Ann Save

10 Tips for Starting a YouTube Channel

  1. Be Yourself - Even if there are lots of similar content creators, there is only 1 you and your take might strike a chord with viewers.  Record what you love!

  1. Become Part of the community - No one is an island.  Make friends, contribute, share, respond, react, give.  Don’t just expect to make content & have people watch.  It is a give and receive relationship

  1. Don’t Compare yourself to others - This is a hurdle I find I frequently have to check myself on.   

My channel started off reseller related only pretty much.  I wanted to branch out, but was uncertain that the community would receive it well.  Not too many other reseller content creators shared different things.  I compared myself to their type of content, their milestones…. Etc. I had to find what worked for me.  

  1. Praise and critique happens - Take it and Leave it - I always thank people for watching and commenting.  I try to respond to everyone with at least a Thank You if nothing more.  I feel like these friends have spent time checking in on my vid.  They took that time to watch and comment.  It is the least I can do to read and respond.  As far as negative comments and critiques… If the comments are just hateful, I will frequently ignore and sometimes delete.  If they are critiquing or giving advice or their take, even if it doesn’t line up with my ideals, I try to look at the topic from their point of view and respond in kind.  Even if it is just a “That is something for me to think about.”

  1. Don’t worry about fancy equipment  -  I started with my phone, my camera on my laptop, and my earbuds.  I just bought a camera a couple of weeks ago and I’ve had my channel for about a year and a half.

  1. Be consistent - 2x a week or whatever works for you.  Your friends and followers will start looking forward to your uploads.

  1. SEO on your videos & description  (tags)

  1. *Do try to find some good lighting.  Window, lamps, etc.

  1.  Look at the camera
  2. Just do it - Getting your feet wet is sometimes the hardest part.  Don’t worry too much in the beginning about  perfection.  You can always delete it later.

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