Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Music Tag - 10 Questions About Music - I Tag Jason T Smith and Zahee...

Just for fun we have created a 'Music Tag video'

1 - What was the first Gig you went to and what is your favourite ever Gig
2 - What was the first single you owned and what was the first single you bought with your own money (if different)
3 - What was the first album you owned & what was the first album you bought with your own money (if different)
4 - who are your top 3 favourite music artists or bands of all time.
5 - What is the first artist or band that got you excited about music
6 - Top 5 favourite albums
7 - Which artist or band is your musical guilty pleasure
8 - Top 5 favourite songs of all time
9 - Favourite lyrics from a song
10 - The artist or band you think is underrated and you would recommend others listen to....

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