Friday, April 29, 2016

Giveaway Time - Mystery Surprise Prize, Good Luck Charm, and Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

I'm so so excited to bring you guys this Giveaway!  I found Anansi Boys at a garage sale a week or so ago & I just love it!  I thought I'd also include a Mystery Surprise and a Good Luck Charm in the Giveaway.  :)  :)  

How to Enter:

1.  You must be 18+

2.  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Texas Gal Treasures

3.  Like Texas Gal Treasures on Facebook

4.  Leave a comment sharing what Super Power you would like to have!

Best of Luck!!


  1. Hmmmm, what superpower would I want... I think reading other people's minds would come in handy - IF I could turn it on and off. Having to hear a bunch of boring thoughts all day would be a bummer. ;) Thanks for the great giveaway Margaret!

  2. Superpower? The ability to convince people to spay/neuter their pets? Convince people to adopt, not shop? Change people's minds about some misunderstood breeds? (I've been involved in rescue for 15 years LOL in case that wasn't obvious) Ohhh I know! BEST superpower as an online seller woukd have to be spotting items that will have high ROI, and great demand, in a single glance!!!

  3. Hmm to be able to be invisible, because I'm a mom haha! Just kidding!! No real answer speed reading because how cool would it be to read a book in 30 seconds but remember everything about it, there's alot of good I could do with knowledge like that! I'm not even sure if that's a super power but I think it would be pretty cool!

  4. I would like power to read minds. This could be double edge sword at times but would be really cool!

  5. I have two grown up daughters and a grown up stepdaughter in England and Dubai so I would like to be able to transport myself across the Atlantic to see them whenever I want. That would be wonderful.

  6. I think it would be super awesome to be able to shapeshift! I can think of all kinds of crazy if I could do that. Love your channel


  7. I think it would be super awesome to be able to shapeshift! I can think of all kinds of crazy if I could do that. Love your channel


  8. I am over 18 :), already subscribed to your channel and liked your FB page and for my super power..I'd like to be able to teleport myself anywhere I wanted to go( see my kids more often, dip my toes in the ocean on a whim, check out yard sales all over the country in one day-lol)

  9. I am over 18 (well over but we won't talk about that ,,, LOL). I already have liked your FB page and I am also a subscriber to your You Tube channel.

    If I could have any super power I wanted it would be to have the ability to speak to dead people (specifically my parents and my grandmother). I miss them all dearly and sometimes it would be nice to be able to sit and talk to them and to get their advice on things because they were truly such wise and inspirational people.

  10. Goodness this is hard. It would have to be between some type of "Animal communication Super power" so I can talk to my pets/understand them... Or
    to be "omnilingual" so I can learn all the languages ever thought of quickly.

    I would probably pick the "animal communication" over the other though. I really want to know what my pets are thinking sometimes or what they might say if we could communicate.

    *subbed on youtube (JinxClemintine) and liked on facebook (Ashley W.)*


  11. I'm already a subscriber and follow you on FB as Dusti Kesler. I would pick the ability to be a Super Learner. My husband thinks it's odd that I like to read non-fiction books for fun. I have to many books and not enough time or brain capacity. To be able to read at super speed and absorb the information would be amazing. Never stop learning!

  12. My super power would be to heal anyone who is sick or ill.

  13. I'm over 18, already subscribed to your YouTube channel and just liked your facebook page. :) The super power I'd like to have is to be able to go back in time and relive some of my super happy days in life.

    1. My username has some weird numbers and letters, haha. I posted with AIM, username is Candyb22

    2. Superpower? Time travel. Imagine the positive changes you could make and to be able to see vintage things in use. Very cool😊

  14. My superpower would be to cure cancer. What a wonderful gift that would be. I love your videos Margaret! Marsha

  15. Since I love to study social history and am interested in how people lived in other decades/ centuries, my super power would be time traveling. Thanks for a wonderfully fun contest. My username on Youtube is Aliceops ( but it won't show up here)

  16. My super power would be to make people feel better about themselves and see the good in the world around them.

  17. I'm over 18 :) I already subscribe to your channel and I liked your facebook page. My super power would be to be able to read minds. It would take the guess work out of a ton of things! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  18. If I could have a super power it would be to see and talk to the my son, a Marine, who was killed in Iraq. What a truly wonderful power that would be!!!

  19. My super power would be to heal those with cancer , the suffering needs to stop.

  20. My super power would be to soften peoples hearts that way everything else would be taken care of.

  21. My super power would be to rid the world of war.

  22. My super power would be invisibility. It would come in handy is so many ways and I would only use it for good.

  23. Liked and subscribed! I would like for my super power to be able to turn into any kind of living creature, from the size of a flea to an elephant. And I can't promise I would only use it for good lmao!!

  24. My super power would be the ability to redirect kinetic energy

  25. I want to time travel. is that a super power? The book sounds really interesting!

  26. I'd like super speed. That way I could finally get everything on my 'to do' list done.

  27. hi Margaret. That is a hard question, but my super power would be the ability to fix things that break down like the car, or the roof. However, super power or not, I need to put metal on the roof myself because the quote I got could buy me a brand new car. I have a fear of heights, so this job should be interesting because it is 2 small story house with steep peaks. Love your videos and you seem like such a happy person to spend time with. I am over 18, subscribe to your YouTube Channel-Texas Gal Treasures, and I liked your Facebook page, Texas Gal Treasures.

  28. Hi Margaret,If I had a super power it would be to rid the world of disease. The one I would tackle first is cancer. Just found out last year my ex has stomach cancer 😯 So sad to think of our three kids not having their dad. I'd already liked and subscribed.

  29. My super power would be to stop waste. I cringe at all the waste of food etc.

  30. I think my superpower would be to freeze time. I love to spend more time with my kids but always doing a bit a housework or school work. So if freeze time to do both more!

  31. My superpower would be the abilty take away peoples pain. Too much hurt and pain in world.
