Thursday, April 14, 2016

Connections....So Much More Than a Weekly Sales Update This Week

So, this week's Weekly Sales Update got a bit emotional for me at the beginning.  I have had an interesting and busy-busy week or so that lead up to my outpouring of thanks.  

I've been, I hate to say "dealing" with family stuff because it makes it sounds like I don't want to, helping my family with different issues.  Taxes have been hanging over everything.  Income tax, Q1 tax, Personal taxes, etc etc & I wanted to make sure all these things were dealt with properly.

An interview I had with Stephen Peterson aired on his channel  This came about in totality by the generosity and friendship and support of my friend, Jason T Smith, who passed my name on to Stephen as he was looking for an Etsy seller to interview.  The talk opened up so many revelations within myself that I may have known, but never really put my finger on.  I like reselling.  I love the hunt.  I like bringing in extra income.  BUT (and this is what I learned) the community, the sharing, the support, the channel is what I love.  Creating videos and sharing and communicating and laughing with everyone about this wacky thing that we all do is what feeds my soul.  I love making the videos.  I love the response that I get from everyone.  I love the support.  I don't know if that makes me sound vain or something, but it is.    I was exhausted (in an emotionally good way) and overwhelmed with the interview and all that I took away from it.   

Stephen quoted Zig Ziglar, "Have an attitude of gratitude" and while I had heard that before, it really sunk in that that was how I was feeling about everything.  It summed it up.  

I also began listening to the book, The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer.  Honestly, I felt ashamed just by the title.  Who am I to ask?  What would I ask for? Why?  But those initial emotions scared me into reading/listening on.  It was way way more than about asking for stuff.  It wasn't like that at all.   The give and take flow back and forth between friends and family.... the venerability to put yourself out there when you really need something.... the fact that most people want to help    These things made me think.   Our past & our experiences mold us into what we are, and the importance of stepping back to review our grooved out, built in responses cannot be over emphasized.    

I realized that the Art of Asking struck such a nerve with me because of my past.  People in my past that took and took and took and tried to take more to the point of frustration and annoyance and anger.  So much so that I never-ever-ever wanted to be that in someone else's live.  I never wanted to be viewed as, "Oh boy, here comes Margaret again"   Well, not for sucking others dry.

I haven't finished the book, but I feel pretty good about the way that it is going.

Here is her Ted Talk:

 This week also marked the milestone of the YouTube channel hitting 4 thousand subscribers.   With all the realizations going on with the interview and book,  emotions took over and I felt the need to get them all out there and say, "Thank you"   

Thank you for being there for me.  Thank you for watching and commenting.  I see you.  You take your time to watch and comment and it means more to me than I could ever express.

Nic Hills & I got together for a Live Hangout as well, which I'll share in a few days.  He and I have gotten to know each other, along with a few other UK resellers, and I am lucky enough to call him and the other's friends.  The Q&A went quite silly at the end, but I didn't want to keep asking the same cookie cutter reseller questions that get asked all the time. Hint: We find out if Nic can fit his fist in his mouth.

Munchpak reached out & asked if they could send a box for me to try.  Tonya and I recorded and uploaded that video yesterday.  We had a major blast!!!  I also saw a few other YouTubers upload vids about it.  I think it's so cool!  I love seeing everyone's take on the unboxing and process and tastes.  :)  

Also, Tonya & I hosted a live hang out with The Bonafide Hustler about Snapbacks.  Our group, The International League of Thrifters were doing a Snapback challenge this week and we thought we'd find out a bit more.  Again, I'll share that vid in a few days. If you just can't wait, it's on Tonya's channel Thrifty Treasures.

Last night, Theresa of ThriftyTheresa interviewed me.  Hers was one of the first YouTube channels I started watching.  I was honored.  It was a great chat and I loved talking with her.

Wow.  I haven't written that much in a really really long time.  

Friends...  Again, I thank you.  Take a look around.  Find something to be grateful for, even if it is the running water in your kitchen, the bed you sleep in, or the sky over your head.  Find something of beauty to make you happy.

The very best of best wishes to you.  

Until Next Time.


Please tell me what you are grateful for.  I would love to hear it.


  1. This year so far I am most grateful for after all these years I have figured out what I wanna be when I grow up I know it sounds funny but honestly is a blessing to find your calling, and to find a lot of like minded and supportive people out here, people really dont understand what I am trying to do, kind of think its a joke or hobby, so finding people who understand is wonderful, and great to have people to share my excitement with lol

    1. Yes! Exactly! Finding people who get it, or at least don't think it's strange. That has been so wonderful! :) Thank you!

  2. I am grateful for the eBay/YouTube community that is willing to share their knowledge. After losing a $50,000/yr income I have struggled to be able to support myself. These people have given me a way to make a living doing something I totally enjoy. :)

    1. There are so many wonderful people out there helping and sharing. The internet is a life changer for sure. I can't imagine how it was or would be with out the connection that we can have with one another to share our struggles and success and have someone say, "I get it." Thank you so much!

  3. I am grateful for so many things dealing with the reselling side of my life. I am grateful for my family that puts up with and shares the spoils of my reselling activity. I am grateful that I finally found a hobby/business that actual makes money instead of taking it. I am grateful for the Reselling community for their patience in putting up with all the silly questions, and taking the time to explain them to me. But I think the most amazing thing that I have received from reselling is a friend base across the world. I have enjoyed meeting so many people, whether in person in Austin or on business trips, or just hanging out with them in the hangouts and chats. I have learned so much about things other than reselling it amazes me. People willing to share their life experiences both good and bad, and the way they dealt with them. Thank you Margaret for keeping it Real. You videos always bring a smile to my face ! Keep it up!

  4. Yes! Duane!!! I love that I have a hobby/business too that makes instead of takes! I agree about the community. It is full of mostly kind and generous and friendly people. I'm so glad to have met you! :)
