Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Chat - What's Coming This Week & Advice for a Giveaway

Good afternoon!!

I popped up a quick Live Hangout to discuss what was coming up this week!  On Tuesday at noon Central time, Jason T. Smith and I will have a live chat on my channel to discuss work, life, and other super important stuff.

We are taking a poll in ILOT (International League of Thrifters) to decide what the challenge for the week will be.  Toys are in the lead!!

And I purchased a copy of Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman & am going to host a giveaway for it.  I ask for help deciding what the criteria to win the book ought to be.

I've read, well actually listened to the book, and loved it!!  I'll add links to the book, both paperback and audio below. 

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